Sunday, October 26, 2008

Road Trip - Amarillo

All our road trips have at least one common characteristic, the all night drive. Leaving Dallas at 11PM, after the night baseball game, we drove north to Oklahoma and then turned west. Driving all night we got to Amarillo, TX at sunrise and stopped for breakfast. We were there to see the "Cadillac Ranch". As you can see from the pictures, even if they are well planted, Cadillacs will not sprout and grow. They will collect graffiti. As we were informed at the Diner to watch for rattle snakes, so we did not get too close to the cars. We were told that someone had been killed there the previous week. So much for touching the art.

1 comment:

TNap said...

I need to clarify that the diner was actually a "Waffle House." It's without fail that a good road trip (down south at least!) requires a Waffle House experience!